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Mathematical Development

By the time children leave Small Wonders Preschool we want them to be able to;

Count to 10 using numbers in the correct order. Recognise some numbers in written form. Count a

group of objects pointing to them and understanding the last number gives them a total of

objects. Represent totals with fingers or marks. Estimate how many objects in a small group

without counting them.

We provide number puzzles, activities and games to support counting, number recognition,

representing amounts and comparing. Adults use number opportunity during their play with

children, encouraging them to count such as how many cups do I need, how many jumps can you do,

can you pass me 3 …. We estimate how many children are in and then count how many children are

present at registration time.

Recognise patterns, produce a simple repeating pattern. Sort by shape, colour and size, notice

differences and when something is the same. Name and match simple 2d shapes. Use language of

size such as bigger than, smaller than, longer or shorter.

We provide various resources for the children to sort, match and create or follow patterns such as

our coloured and different size bears and family figures which are colour coordinated. Adults

provide support pointing out patterns, same and differences. We have various toys representing

shapes and spaces for them to fit into from puzzles and magnetic shapes to tap tap picture building

with shapes. Our routines allow children to work out what will happen next supporting them in

developing a sense of time and pattern to their day. Mathematical descriptive language is used by

adults and we encourage the children to use and understand this too, including language of size and

language to describe where something is in comparison to e.g beside, under, over, in front, behind,

on top in or out.

Mathematics – Aspects - Number Numerical Patterns

3 & 4 yr olds assessment and monitoring milestones

• Build with a range of resources, stacking vertically, creating enclosures, combine shapes to

make new ones, select appropriate shape resources to create a house, car etc build with


• Name and match basic 2d shapes.

• Notice and comment on 2d and 3d shapes using mathematical language such as flat, sides,

corners, straight, round.

• Complete inset puzzles, notice patterns and arrange things in patterns, notice and correct an

error in a repeating pattern.

• Identify and talk about patterns in the environment or on clothes such as stripes and spots.

• Able to describe a sequence of events real or fictional using words such as first, then, before,


• Compare sizes and weights using language such as bigger, smaller, heavier, lighter, taller,

more than less than.

• Squeeze and climb into different types of spaces.

• Use prepositions such as under, over, on top, below, through, in, out. Discuss routes and

locations using words such as in front, behind.

• Take part in finger rhymes with numbers. Count in everyday contexts, counting and pointing

to objects compare amounts saying more than, less, the same, lots, few.

• Develop fast recognition of up to 3 objects without counting. Estimate how many in a group

of people or objects with some accuracy.

• Recite numbers past 5, say one number for each item in order. Knowing the last number you

count gives you the total. Represent amounts with fingers up to 5. Link numerals and

amounts e.g matching correct amount of objects to numeral up to 5.

• Experiment with their own marks, symbols and numerals on paper or in messy play.

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