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Physical Development

By the time children leave Small Wonders Preschool we want them to;

Gain control of their body with good coordination. Be able to run, kick a ball, jump with booth feet

off the ground, climb confidently, catch a ball and pedal a tricycle.

Children are given opportunity for outdoor play at every session through free flow into our garden

area. We provide balls of various sizes and climbing equipment to travel up, down, across, over,

under and through as they negotiate space and various ride on toys to propel with feet or via pedals.

We have a good range of large construction equipment where the use of the full body is needed to

manoeuvre the pieces. Children will need co-ordination and good planning skills to create large ideas

with this equipment, supported by our staff in achieving their goals. We provide music and

movement sessions such as Toddler time and Write dance where the whole body is used to create

various moves.

Develop Fine Motor Skills to be able to, pick up and manipulate small objects, use one handed

tools with strength and coordination.

We offer a range of equipment to develop fine motor strength and coordination such as malleable

materials like plasticine, playdough and clay with various tools and cutters. Children have

opportunity to use scissors and woodwork equipment. We have a variety of small construction

equipment for children to fit together and balance on top of each other.

Be independent in skills such as toileting, putting on their coat and able to open their lunch box

and feed themselves.

Children are given support in a caring and sensitive manner but we also encourage our children to be

independent as they develop skills by being encouraged to prepare their own snack, providing steps

and toilet seats enabling children to progress to wash hands and toileting independently. Using the

back chaining method to teach putting on their coat such as recognising and finding own coat to

finding second arm of coat, pulling zip up after an adult has fastened it to putting on and doing zip

independently. Our school leavers participate in a PE sessions to practice dressing and undressing

skills. They learn to organise their belongings and seek help when needed.

Physical development aspects - Gross motor skills and Fine motor skills

2-3yrs – assessment and monitoring milestones

• Use their finger and thumb to pick up small objects.

• Can use a rolling pin, cutters and stampers at the playdough table

• Can use mark making tools such as crayons and paintbrushes

• Enjoy starting to kick, throw, roll and catch a ball

• walk, run, jump off, jump up and down with both feet off the ground, climb equipment,

climb up and down steps.

• Sit on and move a push along toy, tricycle, scooter

• Fit into and move around in small spaces such as tunnels and boxes.

• Shows awareness of when wet, nappies are dry for long periods, uses a toilet or potty with


• Explores various materials and uses various tools such as paint brushes, rolling pins and


• Developing manipulation and control, using scoops to fill containers and pouring liquids

from one container to another.

3-4 yrs assessment monitoring milestones

• Confidently climbs equipment up, across, over and down

• Catches a ball on most occasions, kicks a ball to another person

• Spin in a circle, walk a balance beam, step from one raised object to the next, stand on one

leg, hop, skip and jump

• Pedal a tricycle, scooter, balance bike changing direction while still in motion

• Manoeuvres with co ordination and control, stop and change direction while running.

• Climb up and down stairs using alternate feet without holding onto rail

• Collaborate with others in successfully moving large objects such as planks and blocks.

• Increased control with one handed tools

• Can make snips in paper using scissors

• Can use small scoops and tweezers.

• Uses a range of mark making tools with more control and accuracy.

• Show preference for a dominant hand

• Can pour own drink at snack time, can cut own fruit or vegetable and can spread a cracker,

piece of bread or toast.

• Uses a spoon and fork

• Showing increasing independence in getting dressed, changed, putting coat on such as doing

buttons, zips and fastenings.

• Make healthy choices and show awareness about food, drink, exercise and toothbrushing.

• Uses the toilet independently, Is reliably dry during the day, washes and dries hands


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